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Work Packages

The SACRE is structured into five Work Packages (WPs) that are organically related to optimize the acquisition of hydro-socioeconomic and climatic data, the development of science, the training of high-level human resources, mutual learning, and knowledge transmission. Each WP is coordinated by a manager, whose role is to lead, integrate, and optimize specific actions among the various WPs. Monthly meetings and workshops are the most common activities for interaction among researchers and students.


WP 1 (1).png

Nitrogen contamination and susceptibility to climate change.



WP 2.png

Nature-based solutions to enhance the quality and quantity of water resources.



WP 3.png

In situ system and treatment of urban groundwater contamination.



WP 4.png

The combined use of multiple water sources to supply both the city and agriculture.



WP 5.png

Métodos econômicos e políticos para incentivar a gestão sustentável das águas e melhorar a segurança hídrica


WP 1.png

Nitrogen contamination and vulnerability to climate change

Our focus

Sources, fate, and transport of nitrogen (N) and other contaminants in urban and rural groundwater.

Why nitrogen?

In addition to its toxicity, N contamination provides an indicator of the extent of human impacts and, due to its occurrence in many chemical forms, also characterizes changes in geochemical conditions throughout the hydrological cycle.

Our goals

  •  To understand and quantify the dynamics and impact of N in urban and rural aquifers through detailed on-site studies, numerical models of chemical-reactive transport, and integrated assessment of source-recharge-transport-discharge.

  • To identify and characterize the occurrence of emerging contaminants in urban areas, correlating potential threats to groundwater quality with urban infrastructure and cultural habits.

  • To develop analytical methods and new monitoring techniques for aquifers for emerging substances associated with dispersed and multipoint contaminant sources.

WP 2.png

Nature-based solutions to enhance the quality and quantity of water resources.

Our focus

Analysis of water ecosystem services in green urban areas and evaluation of treatment efficiency using Nature-based Solutions (NbS).

Why use NbS?

NbS are represented by natural vegetation covers used in the remediation of urban contaminated water (notably N and emerging contaminants). They induce greater availability of clean water in aquifers through Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR).

Our goals

  • To build a low-cost urban contaminated water treatment system using NbS and MAR, which will be tested on a pilot scale in a green urban area.

  • To evaluate the economic efficiency and technical feasibility of using MAR associated with NbS to improve water supply in the city through a pilot study in existing (public parks and gardens) or constructed (unoccupied areas) areas.

WP 3.png

In-situ system and treatment of urban groundwater contamination

Our focus

Remediation of aquifer contamination resulting from non-point or diffuse sources, which is currently one of the greatest challenges in environmental science.



By developing new materials that will be used in permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) designed to capture and treat aquifer plumes.


Our goals

  • To create and adapt new reactive materials for the passive treatment of contaminated aquifers, through bench-scale tests, evaluating their efficiency under different geochemical and hydraulic conditions. materiais reativos para tratamento passivo de aquíferos contaminados, em ensaios de bancada, avaliando a eficiência em diferentes condições geoquímicas e hidráulicas

  • To develop and pilot test the new materials in permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), evaluating their geochemistry and efficiency in remediating degraded aquifers affected by nutrients and emerging contaminants.

WP 4.png

The conjunctive use of multiple water sources to supply both the city and agriculture

Our focus

Hydrodynamic characterization of aquifers and rivers, seeking their best use for public and private water supply and the reduction of hydroclimatic vulnerabilities in cities and rural areas.

What we do?

  • We create and adapt techniques such as River Bank Filtration (RBF) and Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR), as well as the planned use of a fossil aquifer (Guarani Aquifer System).

  • We develop a water resources allocation strategy based on the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, incorporating private water producers into urban public water supply and rural areas.

Our goals

  • To demonstrate through field experiments and numerical simulations a new territorial approach and management of water resources, based on the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in river basins. The objective is to increase urban and agricultural water security, develop water allocation strategies, and effectively integrate different private water producers and financial compensation mechanisms.

  • To understand and quantify water availability and the role of aquifer storage in regulating river flows and groundwater availability in river basins, through coupled transient numerical models of surface and groundwater, incorporating the problems associated with global climate change.

  • To seek a new institutional and social arrangement that involves private water producers as part of the solution for public water supply in a context of low investment, with a specific focus on the financial health and sustainability of the public water service, considering the presence of numerous private well owners.

  • To establish a management plan for non-renewable (fossil) groundwater for urban water supply that shows signs of overexploitation.

WP 5.png

Economic and political approaches to promote sustainable water management and enhance water security.

Our focus

A set of integrated hydroeconomic political methods, tools, and instruments organized in a platform (HYMP) to support and promote sustainable water use and management strategies in a climate of uncertainty.


It uniquely brings together all the results of SACRE and takes into account the multiple uses and services of water at a watershed scale, as well as the impacts of climate and land use change on water supply and quality.


Our goals

  • Identify the cost-benefit relationship of alternative measures for watershed protection, including NbS and changes in land use.

  • Quantify the economic value of watershed services provided to different users, with the aim of designing new payment schemes for such services.

  • Quantify the economic value and costs of environmental damages due to pollution for the purpose of water resource recovery.

  • Identify the economically most beneficial long-term strategy and model to improve water security, based on their relative costs and benefits.

  • Create an information dissemination system that seeks to raise awareness among users and managers about the importance of water resources and their environmental services, and establish a close and trusting relationship between researchers and end-users of the products generated in SACRE.

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